Start of ticket sales for direct train to Crimea

Adriana Smirnova, 31.07.2014 11:46
Просмотров: 6897

Ticket sales have started for a Moscow-Simferopol train. The price for a couchette is 3,909 rubles ($111), for a compartment – 6,340 rubles ($180).

Starting August 1, the train will run daily, with a total travel time when departing from Simferopol of 46 hours 23 minutes, from Moscow – 44 hours.

At Kavkaz (“Caucasus”) station tourists will change for a ferry boat, and will travel to the Kerch station through the Kerch Strait, from where a transfer to the train will be organized.

Train cars will be delivered on a separate cargo ferry boat. In addition to a ticket, tourists will have to buy a pass for the ferry boat.

Sergei Romashkin, CEO of Delfin tour operator, has concerns over whether the train will be filled.

“This project is being introduced too late, at the end of the season. Many tourists have long decided on their holiday destination. Also, I think that the majority of Russians are just plain unaware of this train,” he said.

The expert also said that currently the company’s Crimea sales have reached 70% of the last year’s level.

Representatives of Astravel tour operator also have doubts about whether this kind of transportation will find demand.

“The journey duration is much too long, many tourists will find it inconvenient to travel to Crimea this way,” believes Igor Veliky, Head of Astravel’s Ukrainian destination.

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