Online Sales Volume of Tourism Services in Russia is $8.3bn

Vladimir Savelyev, 26.12.2013 09:54
Просмотров: 5480

According to Rutramarin analytical agency, in 2013 the market volume of tourism services has reached $45, which is a year-on-year growth of 12%. Online sales account for $8,3bn (+33%), according to the report of General Director of online travel agency Biletix Alexandr Sizincev that he presented on a press conference devoted to the online travel market.

Air ticket sales take up 57% ($4,7bn) of the overall online sales amount, hotels – 29% ($2,4bn), railway tickets – 10% ($0,9bn), and tour packages account for 4% ($0,3bn).

Sizincev also reported that the estimated outbound tourism market volume is $25bn (+14 compared to the previous year), domestic tourism - $18bn (+9%), inbound - $2bn (+12%).

According to Dmitry Gorin, the General Director of “VIP Service”, which is one of the main players on the online sales market, the number of tickets sold through the online services of the holding this year has increased 66% – from 669 thousand to 1 million 112 thousand. Air ticket sales grew from 85 to 90%, while railway ticket sales went down from 13 to 7.5%. Related travel services increased from 2 to 2.5%.

Member of Oktogo/Travel online agency’s board of directors Victor Belogub said that this year the company’s hotel room sales tripled, with bookings from the Russian regions accounting for more than 30%.

However, in today’s market merely offering booking services is not going to cut it,” he said. “In the future, those services that provide information on different aspects of tourism will be the most successful. This is the ideology we were following when we acquired”.

According to him, the main investments in the online travel segment have already been made, which leaves niche sectors that can be financed by investors, and it has become apparent who the main players are. Now their actions will determine the development course of the market.

Belogub believes that during the next three years global players will emerge that will offer the market a comprehensive product which will encompass all travel components.

Страны, регионы и города: Russia
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