More Than 1.2m Tourists Visit Kaluga Region in 2013
According to the forecast of the region’s administration, this year the number of tourists coming to Kaluga Region will reach 1.5m people.
In 2013 the region’s government put into effect the program “Development of Tourism in Kaluga Region”. The growth of the tourist flow to the region will be the main indicator of its success. The flow is projected to increase 3.3 times by 2020; the number of rooms in hotels will grow 1.9 times, and the number of rural tourism objects – 1.4 times.
In 2013 the architectural innovative project ANO “ArchPolis”, headquartered in Nikola Lenivets village of Kaluga Region, was included in the Federal Target Program for developing domestic tourism and will now be financed with the money from the federal budget, with 300m rubles (~$9m) being allocated for its development up to 2016.
“I think that next time “Ethnomir” will make it into the program. It already enjoys considerable success and is recognized even outside our country,” said Governor of Kaluga Region Anatoly Artamotov.
Astravel’s Manager of Domestic Tourism Department Anna Buzakova told the TRN correspondent that Kaluga Region was still no match for the cities of the Golden Ring and Kazan in terms of travel demand.
“We do not sell too many tours to this region, since the majority of tourists prefer to plan their holiday programs by themselves,” she said.
Astravel offers a few tours to Kaluga Region, with the longest ones lasting two days.
“For instance, during the tour “Along the Kaluga Road” in addition to Kaluga tourists also visit Borovsk, Maloyaroslavets, Polotnyany Zavod, the Optina Hermitage, Shamordino, and Nizhniye Pryski,” said Buzakova. “A longer itinerary “Big Kaluga Ring” also includes Kozelsk, Tarusa, Serpukhov, and two monasteries – Vladychny and Vysotsky. The tour “Guberniya Stories” combines the objects of Kaluga Region (Barovsk and Kaluga) with Tula and Yasnaya Polyana. On the way to Kaluga we often call on the park ‘Ethnomir’, which is located on the border with Moscow Region.”
While in Kaluga, tourists go on a city tour, visit the Museum of Astronautics and Tsiolkovsky Memorial Museum.
Buzakova says that Astravel tourists stay in good small hotels of Kaluga, like “Park-Hotel”, “Kaluga 21 Vek” and hotel ‘Kvan’ for 71 rooms which is located in the sports complex of the same name.