Launch of Railway Ticket Sales for Sochi Olympics

Alena Donskaya, 06.01.2014 10:02
Просмотров: 3903
Just 45 days from now the XXII Winter Olympic Games will begin in Sochi. Fans who decided to get to Sochi by train should make haste. Tickets for such events are usually sold out in the first three-four days after the start of sales.

Those passengers who plan to spend holidays in a town located on the way to Sochi should also buy railway tickets ahead of time. The closer your town of choice is to the Olympics, the harder it will be to buy a train ticket.

Getting to Sochi by car will also be impossible: the city will be completely closed off for personal vehicles during the Olympics. According to UFS, air tickets for the opening (February 6-7) and closing (February 23-24) days of the event will be the most expensive – the price of a round-trip flight from Moscow on these days will be at least 15,000 rubles.

Prices for trains from Moscow to Sochi are more affordable: a compartment costs approximately 4,000 rubles, a couchette – about 2,000 rubles. This is also a great opportunity to try out the recently launched double-deck train Moscow-Adler.

If it so happens that travelers miss their chance to buy a railway ticket and there are no more seats, UFS can offer another way. There is no need to spend hours in front of a computer or at a Russian Railways ticket window in hopes of ‘snatching’ a ticket. The service “Go to the Olympics” will solve the problem. All you need to do is fill out a special form on this site –, and leave an application. The moment a ticket goes on sale, you will be notified by e-mail or with a text message.

Information: UFS is the developer and owner of the system ‘UFS-Online’, which provides integration with the OJSC Russian Railways system ‘Express-3’, a partner of OJSC ‘Federal Passenger Company’, content aggregator as regards railway and air tickets, passenger insurance and hotels. UFS has an agent network, its own online travel agency and the mobile app ‘Railway Tickets’ for iPhone and Android.

Among the company’s partners are big banks, travel agencies and leading online commerce market players, as well as government and commercial organizations.
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