Expert Opinion: Airlines Ward off Own Clients

Alina Khorosheva, 27.11.2013 14:14
Просмотров: 3515
Advertising campaigns of Russian airlines are, for the most part, aimed at the upper middle-class. This, in part, causes many Russians to regard air services as something luxurious which, in turn, causes airlines to lose a large portion of potential clientele. This opinion was put forward by Lev Koshlyakov, deputy corporate communications CEO of the ‘UTair’ airline, on the international conference ‘Air Transport Marketing and Sales’ that took place in Moscow on November 21-22.

According to him, Russian airline branding today is inconsistent and lags behind its counterparts in the Russian and European industry market.

“2013 was the year when a Russian airline first made it into the ‘Best Russian Brands’ rating – ‘Aeroflot’ came in 17th. The company positions itself as the transport for the privileged, its commercials featuring people of stunning beauty in luxurious settings,” said the expert.

The image that ‘Transaero’ creates for itself was described by Lev Koshlyakov as “restrained elegancy, stress on tourism and price information”.

“Company ‘S7’ is very recognizable thanks to its bright green planes. I would characterize this airline’s image as follows: energetic activity, modern approach and youth,” continued Lev Koshlyakov.

According to him, the message of ‘Ural Airlines’ is beauty and sales. As for ‘UTair’, it wants consumers to notice its modern aircraft and the broadening flight geography.

“The majority of Russian airlines want a substantial increase in their clientele, yet they do nothing to attain it. Russian people who are short on money do not see themselves as airline customers. For them, a flight is a special occasion, one that does not happen very often,” added the expert.
Страны, регионы и города: Russia
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