Summer Season: Egypt and Croatia Lag as All Top Destinations Grow

Alina Khorosheva, 09.12.2013 15:49
Просмотров: 5162

According to Domodedovo Airport, from March to September of 2013 almost all top destinations were growing, aside from Egypt and Croatia. The mean growth value constituted 15.8%. This was announced by deputy CMO of Moscow Domodedovo Airport Mikhail Polienko at the forum ‘Travel Destinations. Spring-Summer 2014’, reports TRN magazine’s correspondent.

According to him, it was Tunisia that saw the most significant rise in tourist flow – almost 90%. This figure was 50% for Mexico, 33% for Thailand, 30% for Greece, 29% for Italy, 27% for Cyprus, and about 12% for Turkey.

As for separate destinations, the Top-10 growth leaders are as follows: Rome, Milan, Larnaca, Heraklion, Rhodes, Tivat, Tel Aviv, Paris, Bangkok, Burgas.

‘Naturally, there was a shift in passenger flow, given the state of affairs in Egypt. For instance, in September Turkey had a great boost at the expense of the Arab Republic, and so did Thailand and Spain, albeit to a smaller extent,’ said Mikhail Polienko.

For a decade now Moscow Domodedovo Airport has initiated and organized two travel forums each year. It is a meeting of airline and tour operator representatives which determines the travel volume for the coming navigation season.

Companies and tour operators get the opportunity to exchange relevant information on the most sought-after destinations. The event is organized in the form of a few meetings that result in new destinations being launched and the existing routes being improved upon.

The leitmotif of the forum ‘Travel Destinations. Spring-Summer 2014’ is the implementation of new information technologies that can up the quality of flight service and that are of interest to the forum participants.

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